One Simple Rule for more Persuasive Web Copywriting
The distinction between features and benefits is an important concept in marketing. People don’t care about what a product can do; they care about what it can do for them.
Alarm clock
Feature: Wake-up lights (wakes you with a gradually brightening light)
Benefit: Be gently awoken rather than startled by an irritating noise
A simple way to be a more persuasive web copywriter is to go beyond the benefits. To do this, you must ask yourself what the benefits of the benefit are. For example, being gently awoken by light, as nature intended will;
- Give you the best possible start to the day
- Boost your morning mood
- Make you feel refreshed and energised
- Reduce your stress levels
- Enable you to be more productive at work
- Improve your family life
All this from a simple alarm clock feature! Here are some more examples;
CV writing service
Feature: A CV that demonstrates your achievements
Benefit: Get more job interviews
Beyond: You can be more successful, earn more money and have the career you’ve always wanted.
Time management software
Feature: Check off tasks as you do them
Benefit: For efficient organisation of projects
Beyond: Get a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction daily by ticking off your achievements.
Anti-ageing cream
Feature: Contains peptides to allow natural production of collagen and elastin
Benefit: Achieve younger-looking skin
Beyond: Look more youthful and fresh, hide your real age, be more attractive and desirable, be admired, and get what you want.
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